How To Find Excellence In Customer Service On The Internet

How To Find Excellence In Customer Service On The Internet

In digital environments, there is no doubt that the attraction of potential customers is capital. Many e-commerce spend a lot of effort on improving their conversion ratios, but what happens when we disappoint our own customers with false expectations? We treat them properly once the product has been purchased? Do we take care of them, or do we just remember them when we want to carry out a cross-selling action?

In Reputation Strategies 2.0 you have to keep an important niche for customer service. Since today, all customers have a small megaphone with social networks, blogs and forums. A clear example that can be used against the e-commerce in question.

How To Find Excellence In Customer Service On The InternetNotes to find excellence

To try to find excellence in this section, not a simple task, it is not bad to remember these notes:

Automate processes to gain speed of attention

 In the e-commerce world everything goes faster and time is gold. Customers are not usually very sympathetic with unwarranted waiting.

Permanent contact with customers

Every “x” time (depending on the sector) it is very healthy to launch surveys to optimize specific points or simply reward the loyalty of repeat buyers.

 Obsession for details: the customer likes to take care of the details for example in the shopping experience. An original and fun welcome email when making the purchase for example can cause the user to take empathy with us.

How To Find Excellence In Customer Service On The InternetDevelop a good FAQS section (frequently asked questions)

That will avoid unnecessary queries very often.

Publish the commitments that the online shop acquires with customers (delivery times, opening hours, return policy)

The user must know from the minute 1 that can wait and that can demand as a client to avoid feelings of frustration caused by 100% avoidable confusion.

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Have different channels of care and resolution of incidents

Chat, email, social networks and telephone for example. This ensures that at least one will feel comfortable. Not having more than one channel sometimes causes lack of communication with users and that can generate dissatisfaction or even loss of sales. According to a study by Marketools: 23% of companies already offer care services by facebook, and 12% by twitter.

How To Find Excellence In Customer Service On The Internet In customer service they are missing the half-measures, to give good service

  • Either they incorporate efficient self-service structures
  • Or an integral service is provided
  • The Power of CRM to Customize Customer Service

We all leave a mark with our actions in the network, now it’s up to all e-commerce to know how to collect this data, interpret it and know how to use it so as not to treat all its customers equally.

Create the best possible care team

  • May it inspire positivism, humility, and be 100% resolutive. To provide it properly:
  • Mark clear and uniform protocols to always give a good answer.
  • A lot of training: the customer is going to buy ultra-informed and has a lot of data at their fingertips.

 Some examples of good customer service

In order not to be too general an article, I will give two clear examples of two care practices that in my humble opinion reflect that these two companies work well in this direction:

How To Find Excellence In Customer Service On The Internet

Zappos It is notorious, I know and I do not discover anything new that this North American e-commerce shoe is one of the companies that have better customer service but is that a month ago I wanted to check it directly. I wrote them an email commenting that I was interested in buying a pair of shoes, I was resident in Spain and that when I could receive them, I did not mind waiting or even that I could pay more for shipping. On the same day (saving the time change), I received a reply saying that they could not serve me because they could not meet their delivery standards. So far everything was correct but it was also that they had searched for places in Spain could buy them at a good price with names of direct competition. That is satisfying the customer honestly.

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Arsys Case

Arsys In the case of these e-commerce web pages with templates already designed I had a good experience too. A few months ago I contracted a plan with them for a project that finally did not come to light, it was then when I sent them an email pointing out that I wanted to cancel the plan that how I could do it. I was immediately answered with the process to follow. For my misunderstanding, I let the assignment pass (one of those things that you are leaving), I received two reminder emails and on the last day of that month they called me on the cell phone to tell me to remember to cancel the plan since if it took a day more Could change the bill, that without trying to sell me anything else. It is not surprising that this company was bought for 140 million euros recently.

Perhaps they are small details but in the e-commerce world the line between trust and distrust is very thin. Many customers can cross it to cause a redress in the income statement.