Opened in the spring of 1973, The West Midland Safari Park in Bewdley, Worcestershire, is home to more than 165 exotic animals and species. It can boast that not only was it the very first Park to house the Big Five Game animals but that it cares for the biggest groups of cheetahs, white lions, meerkats and hippopotami in the United Kingdom. You can experience the joy and pleasure of walking through the largest lemur colony exhibit as well as spending time together as a family in the theme park they have onsite there. This drive through Safari Park is pioneering the restoration of a large heathland site which at the moment is part of the Dhole and Cheetah enclosures. The park is split into separate enclosures to keep the animals and visitors safe from each other. The Wild Asia enclosure is home to the Indian Rhino, Blackbuck, Banteng, Philippine spotted deer and Banteng. The endless work of caring for, feeding, and breeding the animals is a twenty-four- hour on call position and due to the dedication and commitment of the large team of highly trained staff an Indian Rhino Calf was born there on the 8th of September 2020 to proud parents, mummy Seto and daddy Rap.
With thousands of visitors flocking to the Safari Park every year the maintenance of the grounds, enclosures, theme park and buildings is also very important. The large team of grounds men and women ensure that there is no damage to buildings, electricity cables, gas and sewage pipes. If they were to discover a crack in one of the many sewers they would no doubt contact a local Drain Lining Oldbury company and get the problem resolved quickly and professionally. You will experience the thrill and excitement of driving, very slowly, through the Realm of the Lions where you will see for yourself the true majesty and power of the pride of lions that live there. You will also witness the rare and beautiful site of a pride of White Lions in their own Kingdom.
The West Midland safari park is also home to two African Elephants, a young male called Sutton and his mummy whose name is Five. Sutton holds the claim to fame for being the very first male African elephant to be born successfully in the UK, through Artificial Insemination.