The Best Pro In The World


In this share information and meet someone who really knows and can help answer your questions in a particular field, in this specific case the web and application development, it is very difficult to find someone who besides knowing what he does, by the pure pleasure to help and collaborate with the community, with a question or a user, this will help you, advise you and resolve your doubts mainly.

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While we live in the information age in which free textbooks up on youtube, or pay online courses proliferate; all offer help you improve your skills quickly and effectively, but those who if they fulfill that promise are few.
I know strange, considering that we live in the era of Wiki How and everything is explained in a thousand ways, then starting from that information is there at our fingertips no one should be ignorant or have a nagging doubt.

But that friends is the theory and far away form this practice that regardless of the enormous amount of information, documentation, manuals in your language or in English exist, sometimes you need a person with a lot of expertise to tell you how to fix problem short steps.

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Sometimes all a question summarizes a hole, a bug that you can not fix, even if you yell at the computer, though estalles anger of frustration or more to read documentation to respect, sometimes you just need a pro whose ability and professionalism is higher than just hearing your questions can help you solve your problem. The trouble is that for many people with high knowledge, this information sharing is a crime is a crime, since they have invested much time, money and effort learning these skills, so you are not going to help, but occasionally you meet a pro in all senses of the word, that is willing to help and teach with great teaching, expertise and talent your error, simply and help improve the content of the web.

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Thanks to people who continue to preserve this ideology, is that information and knowledge are still circulating, thanks to professionals in the field of web development as it is Eduardo Reveles , a great genius in the field of computer development, whose talent and passion are undeniable , it is that the contents and developments continue to grow.

Today I want to make a short written tribute to this man of great heart, ability and intelligence. Also, I would like to make a big announcement and if you are looking for the best teacher to learn about these issues, as obvious to him, and if you are looking for the best for a development team, this is your man.

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