How Activated Carbon Whitens Teeth?

Activated Carbon Whitens Teeth

White teeth are an indispensable attribute of a modern successful person. Today, there are a number of bleaching techniques in a dental office, as well as home-tested, effective recipes. Among them – bleaching with activated carbon. About the possibilities, prescriptions and results of such a procedure, and also how often it is possible to carry out such cleaning and whether it is harmful, read in this article.

Why Activated Carbon Whitens Teeth?

Is it true that activated charcoal whitens teeth and why? By its effectiveness, this product is comparable to the professional cleaning of tooth enamel you should read the charcoal teeth whitener reviews. This is due to the light abrasive properties of the substance itself, which allows it to remove the persistent layer of plaque after a third of the procedure, which is beyond the strength of normal hygienic cleaning.

Effective recipes

  • To start bleaching with charcoal, you need to prepare the composition. Two tablets of the drug dissolved in a small amount of water. The consistency should leave a viscous mixture, similar to toothpaste. In order not to overdo it with the addition of liquid and make the right composition, the tablets can first be grinded into powder and added to it by a drop of water until the desired consistency is obtained.
  • When the mixture is ready it should be applied to the toothbrush and gently cleaned the teeth, but no more than 2 minutes. Then rinse your mouth and repeat the procedure. At the end of the session, you must ensure that all remnants of the mixture are removed. It is also important to consider that using a brush after whitening with charcoal for hygienic purposes is not recommended, so another toothbrush will be needed.

In addition to the basic variant of cleaning the enamel with this sorbent, there are two possible approaches: chew the whole tablet, then brush your teeth with toothpaste, or crush the coal into a powder and pour over the paste layer on the brush. In this case, as in the main recipe, special attention should be paid to cleaning the oral cavity of the mixture after the completion of the procedure.

Is it safe?

Teeth whitening with coal is considered a safer method than, for example, a similar procedure, but with the use of peroxide or soda. So, if hydrogen peroxide is used, there is a high risk of complications due to the thinning of the enamel and the irritation of the gums.

And when bleaching with activated charcoal, such effects are minimized, and even if accidentally swallowed, it is not capable of damaging the human body (except for the presence of individual intolerance).

On the other hand, even this method of cleaning tooth enamel is not absolutely safe. In particular, the negative consequences can be caused by too frequent application of the remedy, namely more often 3 times a week. In addition, it is worth remembering that to get the whiteness effect it is enough to use only one tablet, but not two or three at a time, which can only lead to damage to the teeth and tissues of the oral cavity. Keep readings


During the preparation of coal, paste should strive to obtain a uniform consistency, which would not contain large pieces of material that can scratch the surface of the gums and teeth.

The bleaching procedure is recommended to be performed once a week, maximum – three times a week (depending on the state of the enamel). And although coal is not too active substance, due to its abrasive effect, its effect on the tooth surface is very significant.