Cool Apartment In The Heat Without Air Conditioning

Cool Apartment In The Heat Without Air Conditioning

In the courtyard of the twenty-first century. Almost every citizen of the modern world can hardly imagine life without an air conditioner, which makes life much easier for us and increases efficiency. But it is not uncommon that a technician breaks down from too much work or energy surges in an apartment. And someone does not have the opportunity to put in the house an additional cooling system. In such cases, the only way out is to use folk methods, the wisdom of generations and basic knowledge of physics. With all this, we should not forget that the best cold is stored in a clean and tidy apartment, where daily wet cleaning is carried out. At least it is enough to wash the floors and the room will already become much cooler and fresher, and the air will be cleared of dust.

Cool Apartment In The Heat Without Air Conditioning

In addition, the main and main “postulate” to preserve the coolness in the house there is a few more everyday wisdom how to quickly get rid of the heat in your cozy nest. Here are the most common ways:

  • In addition to maintaining cleanliness and constant wet cleaning, you should not forget that there are always household appliances in the house that emit a small amount of thermal energy. So in order to reduce the temperature in the house a little, simply disconnect from the power supply all the equipment that you do not use and only switch on as needed.
  • To create coolness without a fan at night, when the temperature is the lowest in the street and there is no sunlight, open windows, and air all rooms, cabinets, and drawers (to release warm air from them and cool it). If possible, you can also create a kind of draft, opening the windows of parallel rooms or, as an addition, the doors.

Cool Apartment In The Heat Without Air Conditioning

  • It often happens that all the windows and doors are located on the same side of the house. In this case, physics comes to the rescue. Need to take two fans. One device should be installed with the air outlet at the first window, and the second with the other side at the second. The lower the fan is installed, the better and faster cool layers of air masses will begin to rise. In addition, before the devices, you can install containers with cold water or ice. Thanks to them, the cooling effect will intensify.
  • In the daytime, curtain the windows with thick linen curtains. Preference is best given to light shades of flax since it is he who most reflects the sun’s rays that heat the room. Yes, and if you believe the ancestors, it is flax that is the very fabric that cools the air.

Cool Apartment In The Heat Without Air Conditioning

  • If you are not too picky about the appearance of your windows and you are not embarrassed by the darkened lighting in the room, if you have extra finances, you can order tinted windows. You can, of course, buy a special film and try pokleit it yourself. But, nevertheless, it is better to turn to professionals who will do it with the utmost accuracy and the best quality. In addition, when choosing a tint you should not turn too dark shades, because in bad weather the room can become very gloomy and dull.
  • In addition to tinting on the window, you can stick the foil. It just looks a little annoying. Therefore, such experiments are preferable to put in work offices, rather than in apartments or houses.
  • Towels soaked in cold water can be hung on the doors and regularly sprayed with a new portion of ice water (flavored if desired). This method will help, like wet cleaning, not only keep the rooms cool in the summer, but also reduce the amount of dust in the air.

Cool Apartment In The Heat Without Air Conditioning

  • In case the above-mentioned advice turns out to be not enough for you, then it is worth resorting to plastic bottles with frozen water. They can be put on a tray in front of the fan, and the air stream can be directed to the desired location of the room.
  • The same frozen water bottles can be put under a blanket before bedtime, wrapped in a thin cotton fabric. At the same time for sleeping the best choice would not be cotton underwear, but silk. That it contributes to the feeling of light cool when touched with the skin.

Cool Apartment In The Heat Without Air Conditioning

But no matter how you resort to various tricks and folkways to cool the air of an apartment without additional technical equipment, it is strongly recommended to keep track of your food. In the summer, it is worth making some changes in your personal diet: do not overeat, reduce the amount of fat and fried, reduce portions and give preference to a light meal. In addition to direct nutrition, one should not forget about drinking enough water, which equals 2-2.5 liters per day.

Cool Apartment In The Heat Without Air Conditioning

Do not overload your body with over-calorie food, helping your own metabolism to remove unwanted substances from the body, thereby helping it to create an internal additional amount of thermal energy. Do not forget about the advice of experts who recommend in the hot season to show reduced physical activity, eat a little more fiber and a little less animal protein. And, of course, if you do not have the opportunity yet to install an air conditioner in your own room, then do not despair. There will always be ways to deal with this little “nuisance.” Yes, and stress, moreover, in the heat, too, is contraindicated.