Save Money With Your Smartphone? In recent times, the term “savings” has become more important due to the economic crisis that affects a large part of the population. More and more families are aware of the need to save without reducing their quality of life.
Save Money With Your Smartphone
Although it sounds almost impossible and even illogical, there are many formulas to achieve it. Therefore, today we want to talk about 5 apps to save some money in your day to day.
5 apps to save
Gelt changes the coupons for cash
A few months ago, we dedicated a complete entry to this application for being an original and innovative idea to save in the shopping cart. The operation of Gelt is very simple: you buy one of the products promoted in your app (the list is constantly updated), you send a photograph of the purchase ticket and you are adding money in your virtual wallet. When you accumulate $20 they will send you a code to withdraw money from an ATM. Thanks to Gelt, you no longer have to waste time searching and printing coupons at home.
You can download it from here if you use Android or here if you work with iOS.
Fintonic is a finance manager on your smartphone
You’ve seen it advertised a thousand times on television, but maybe you have not downloaded it yet. Fintonic works as a finance manager on your smartphone. In the second of our apps to save you can synchronize all your accounts and see at a glance the movements, the last receipts charged or the expense made with cards. In addition, it also gives you tips to save a few euros.
Your expenses, to control your cash
One of the main vanishing points of our money is cash. The mid-morning coffee, the magazine in the kiosk, the package of chewing gum, the ticket of the blue zone or the water bottle, all of them are small expenses to which we do not give importance but that at the end of the month suppose an important quantity. The Your Expenses app helps you save money in cash.
Its operation is extremely simple: tell this application the money you have in cash in your wallet and always remember to add every expense you make (no matter how small) with your concept. At the end of the month you can see what you have left without having to count coins, what you have spent and what concept has taken more money. Very useful to reflect on what was really necessary and what you could have avoided.
If you want to learn how to manage your cash, download it from the Play Store for Android or from the App Store for iOS.
With Gas Stations Spain saves buying gasolin
Gas stations Spain is one of the most popular savings apps. At a glance it shows you the price of gasoline or diesel from the nearest gas stations so you can save money on gas.
Savings at home gives you practical advice
The last of the selection of apps to save that we have prepared for you will not give you money directly, but it will give you small tricks to save at home. You can organize the tips for the different areas of the house or for concepts (electricity, water, gas, food …).
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