Choose Makeup By The Type Of Face

Choose Makeup By The Type Of Face

Impossible, imagine a modern woman without makeup. Any makeup is able to transform a person, hide faults and focus on its merits. Stylists divide the makeup into three main groups: evening, every day and permanent. In order to pick up make-up by the type of person you do not have to contact the services of stylists, you can pick it up yourself.

Now, there is a lot of information on this topic in various sources, enough to give a little attention and time. When choosing makeup, it is important to take into account important details: first of all, the type of person, color, and style of clothing, accessories, ornaments should all be harmonious.Choose Makeup By The Type Of Face

Makeup by type of face.

With the correct application of makeup, you can adjust the shape of the face. There are four main types of face:

  1. The face is oval in shape.
  2. Square face shape.
  3. The face of a rectangular shape.
  4. Round face shape.

Oval face slightly elongated, moderately broad forehead, beautiful chin, does not require special correction, it does not have sharp corners, it is used at a minimum corrective make-up. To correct the oval shape of the face, it is sufficient to select the correct cream suitable for the skin type.Choose Makeup By The Type Of Face

Nourishing and moisturizing for dry skin, and for oily skin, you can use powder, which well eliminates greasy shine on the face.

For an oval type of face, pick up decorative cosmetics by following some rules:

  • Tone cream, powder should be two colors, dark and light. Dark tone is corrected not by desirable areas of the face, but by light ones, on the contrary, they pay attention to themselves. Thus, it is possible to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, the sensuality of the lips.
  • Make-up should not be catchy, if it’s daytime, such a makeup usually adhere to pastel tones, more restrained. For evening make-up, you can use decorative cosmetics in bright colors, use cosmetic with sparkles.
  • For daytime makeup, the lip liner should not be selected bright, one tone darker than lipstick. For evening make-up, the pencil will fit brighter, just in accordance with the lipstick used.

The square and rectangular face are angular; it has a broad forehead and a massive chin. The task, to correct such a face so as to soften the visual angularity of the face, make the cheekbones more prominent, the forehead is narrower.

Tonal cream, use the same two, one in the tone of the skin, the other darker in a few tones.Choose Makeup By The Type Of Face

A light foundation is applied to the entire face, and the areas that need to be softened are visually hidden by a dark shade.

Make-up for a square face can also be applied to a rectangular type of face. An important role is played by the shape of the eyebrows. Eyebrows should be shortened, curved, thus softening the angularity of the face. If there is a need to use eyeliner, it should be used in gray and in no case black, since black will visually reduce eyes.

Check This Out: How to Make a Daytime Make-Up?

The round shape of the face has no corners, from the forehead, cheekbones and chin all smoothly turns into a circle, because of this the face visually seems flat. Supposes applying makeup with vertical movements, including decorative cosmetics, it is necessary to select the appropriate make-up, so that visually the face stretches and lengthens.Choose Makeup By The Type Of Face

For visual lengthening of the face, it is necessary to apply a dark foundation to the cheeks and shade it well, so that transitions are not noticeable at all. Thus, the face seems more elongated. Blush should be applied in the form of a triangle, the point of which is directed towards the chin. Focus on the lips is not worth it. Lips can be covered with glitter or lipstick pastel color.

Make-up is also selected according to the color-type that is winter. Spring Summer Autumn.


The winter color type includes those women who have dark eyebrows and eyelashes, a pale complexion, pink lips.

Suitable colors are any bright, just like gray and silvery tones. Lips need to be highlighted with bright lipstick, and eyes have dark shadows.


Light blond and a natural blonde with light eyebrows and eyelashes. Sometimes on the face of a freckle, the skin is light with a blush. This color is very rare. For this type, warm, gentle tones are suitable, which can emphasize the tenderness of nature. Bright colors are not recommended.Choose Makeup By The Type Of Face


There are a lot of representatives of summer color-type, they have dark hair (ashy). Eyebrows and eyelashes are brown, the skin is pink. They will suit cold colors, blue, gray, etc. Shades of warm colors will give a painful look.


Red and chestnut hair, eyebrows of the same color, skin with a yellowish tint is sometimes pigmented with spots. Gloss and mother-of-pearl are not desirable, matte shades are suitable, natural-colored blush, shades of warm tones, yellow, plum, etc.

Keep Reading:

Following a few simple rules, you can make a make-up that will hide all the imperfections of the face. With the help of proper make-up, women look a few years younger.