Five Progressive Web App Considerations

Ensuring that you are consistently providing your audience with the very best user experience throughout their customer journey is essential, especially in an increasingly competitive and noisy digital marketplace.

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Combining the intricate functionality of an app and the efficiency and effectiveness of a website, web apps can contribute meaningfully to your business. However, before investing in a PWA, keeping the following points in mind is advisable.

Expertise and Experience

As Progressive Web Apps are a relatively new technology, you may not have the expertise required to build an effective product which will service the needs of your business. As many web developers are accustomed to continually learning new skills and adapting to new technological developments, your in-house team may be able to contribute meaningfully to the development of your PWA with the assistance of an experienced front-end engineer.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to streamline the process and outsource the task to a professional London web design company, selecting a skilled and knowledgeable team, such as web development services by Redsnapper, is imperative.

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Technical Challenges

While traditional web design presents its own set of issues, PWA development will likely present challenges that are rarely seen elsewhere. Time spent establishing a solid framework and foundation for your PWA will never be time wasted, and will contribute to the seamless performance your customers will expect.

Mobile Performance

As research conducted by Deloitte illustrates, more than 30% of mobile users browse shopping apps and websites on at least one occasion every month. As such, ensuring your PWA has the capabilities to provide your mobile audience with a seamless experience is vital to its success.

Establish a Clear Vision

Understanding exactly what you want your PWA to achieve is key to developing and building a product that meets your expectations. As you are investing both resources and time into an extensive project, ensuring every member of your team understands the core aims will help to ensure the project’s parameters are clear and achievable.

Consider Future Developments

As a relatively new technology, taking time to familiarise yourself with the intricacies will help you to forge a clear plan and account for possible future developments. You need to know that you have access to every resource you will need to effectively maintain your PWA, ensuring you are consistently delivering a dependable and useful user experience for your customers.