Hand feed lions at Bristol Zoo and other terrifying delights

Bristol Zoo is offering a limited number of brave zoo visitors the unique opportunity to hand feed two of its Asiatic lions. Located in the Clifton area of Bristol, Bristol Zoo has a long heritage of animal conservation and preservation.  With a public area as large as this and so many visitors attending they will need a Fire risk assessment Bristol company to come in and check their premises to make sure its safe which can be booked through sites like keloscape.

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Through its work both in the wild and in captivity, the zoo has helped to save over 175 species from extinction. This latest activity is another move to allow more people to get up close and personal with this beautiful and endangered species of big cat.

The Asiatic lion

The Asiatic lion is probably the most famous of the five big cat species and the one that fascinates and thrills us the most; however, it has unfortunately been declared the most endangered of all the large cat species and there could be as few as 400 left in the wild.

Hand feeding the lions at Bristol Zoo

This new and novel, interactive attraction allows visitors to get as close to the lions as is safely possible. Starting with a full behind-the-scenes experience, daring visitors will meet up with one of the lion keepers and head into the ‘no entry’ area for an experience of a lifetime. Visitors will help to prepare the lions’ lunch while learning all about the big cats and their habits and habitats. You will also learn about how and why these lions are endangered and what we can do here to help them to survive.

Once lunch is ready, it is time to step up to the fence for the main event. Located inside the lions’ enclosure, you will feed the lions from between the bars in exactly the same way they are fed by the keepers. No big cat, regardless of whether it is born in captivity, is ever truly domesticated. While the temptation to stroke them behind the ears may be strong, it is never worth the risk.

Getting to the zoo

You can reach Bristol Zoo by train and then local transport.

An experience to remember

All lion feeders will be given a commemorative T-shirt, and we strongly recommend that you keep a camera ready!