Reading develops creativity and imagination, logical thinking, expands vocabulary, being the best memory trainer. However, modern children do not like to read! The younger generation is attracted to social networks, riding a segway, surfing the Internet – anything but books. This problem is faced by many parents, so we have prepared a big memo on how to teach a child to read books without stress and tears.
Teach to read gradually
Already at the age of 1-1.5 years, the child shows interest in fairy tales, for example, in the books “Turnip” or “Gingerbread Man”. Turn reading into an interesting game using homemade puppet mini-theaters or those toys that are at hand. Accentuate the attention of the child in the pictures, choose the correct intonation, reading out the replicas of different characters. In this case, the baby will perceive reading as a natural necessity, and not as a boring task.
Give your child the freedom to choose
If you want your child to read every day, then give him the right to choose his own literature. Of course, many parents dream of their son or daughter coming to the delight of the work of Remarque or Pushkin, but it is worth remembering the golden rule: all people are individual. Someone will like the books of JK Rowling, while others will prefer books by Boris Akunin and Mikhail Bulgakov. If parents impose their literary preferences on a teenager, then he, guided by youthful maximalism, may refuse to read altogether.
Choosing literature, take into account the child’s taste preferences. A girl who is fond of medieval romanticism is unlikely to read Agatha Christie’s detective novels. Acquire books that match the tastes and hobbies of the child, considering what games he plays, what movies he watches. As the first adult literature, you can pick up interesting encyclopedias and educational books, complemented by colorful illustrations.
Combine modern technology and ordinary books.
The younger generation uses modern technologies in all spheres of their lives, so no need to abandon various gadgets, instilling in the child a love of reading. Today, there are e-books with the effect of E-Ink, which are imitations of real paper and ink. They do not have a negative effect on vision and may seem more comfortable to a teenager than standard hard and softcover volumes.
There is another form of books – audio, but expert opinions about audiobooks differ. Yes, it is convenient to listen to the recording created by professional actors and readers, but it has some serious drawbacks:
- visual memory does not develop, and vocabulary does not expand;
- in the future, the child will be lazy to read ordinary books;
- Information is poorly remembered.
Therefore, it is better to allow the child to use the e-book, not forgetting the formation of a large library. Fill it with multi-genre literature – from detectives to classics. Real paper books should be available in your home; they should be kept in plain sight.
Set the right example
If dad reads only sports news, and mom read glossy magazines, then the child is more likely to change the tastes and habits of the parents. You can teach a son or daughter to read only with your own positive example.
Avoid moral pressure
“You read the book I gave you last week. Yes? I do not believe, retell the plot ”- this phrase can once and for all cause a child’s sense of denial. It, however, in a milder form, is permissible to use when it comes to literature from the school curriculum. If you choose your own books for a teenager and force them to read, then avoid excessive categorization. You should not use pressure tools, you do not need to force to read the book to the end if the child is not interested. This can be determined by the following features:
- while reading a book a child is often distracted;
- the child does not want to sit down to read, finding excuses;
- your son or daughter read the required 10-15 pages per day, but not more.
A teenager will read really interesting literature quickly enough; it will be impossible to distract him from this occupation. By the way, it’s definitely not worth teaching a teenager to read through prohibitions. If the book becomes an obstacle for a walk with friends or a family trip to the cinema, then it will turn into a real enemy.
Dislike of the school curriculum is not a synonym for dislike of reading
The school curriculum includes various literary works, but if a teenager reads them in an abbreviated version – this is his choice. The school curriculum is an important part of all-round development, but not all required pieces will appeal to your son or daughter. Help, direct, pronounce incomprehensible moments but do not force the teenager to love the classics. If he does not want to read “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov or Sonnets by William Shakespeare, this does not mean that reading is alien to him.
General advice on the choice of literary works for teens
Up to the age of 6-7, children are predominantly addicted to fairy tales, but after reaching this age, they will be interested in more serious literature. When choosing the right books, rely on the following guidelines:
- consider the sex of the child;
- consider individual tastes;
- Analyze the literary works previously read.
You can consult other parents to find out what kind of literature their children read. Another good move is a joint visit to a bookstore, where boys and girls can find books, focusing on pictures and short content. Finally, we will list the TOP 5 books that your child will definitely like:
- A series of novels about Harry Potter created by the English writer JK Rowling;
- The “Maze Runner” cycle, written by James Dashner;
- A teen love affair “Study Romance,” written by Christine Walker;
- Charlotte Bronte’s classic English love story “Jane Eyre”, which is more suitable for a girl’s library;
- Sci-fi novel by Ray Bradbury “The Martian Chronicles.”
These simple tips will help you teach your child to read every day. Remember that books can not be imposed; you should not force a teenager to read at that moment when he is not in the mood to do so. Inspire children with your personal example, invite to the magical world of literary works that hide millions of fascinating stories. The sooner you start reading books with your child, the better!