Nestled in the very depths of South wales sits the beautiful Gower Peninsula. Once a thriving farm community it is know one of the most popular visited places in all of Wales and relies on that tourist trade heavily. It sticks out in to the Bristol Channel and retains a sense of rugged independence about its self. It has the distinction of being the first ever Area of Outstanding Natural beauty. It’s nearest urban site is Swansea and it is administered as part of that cities remit. Its can be tricky to get a good reception down that way and a TV Aerial Installation Swansea way might be needed if your ever think of moving there. Try for a start.
The peninsula has been an important feature in the development of human history as it represents an excellent natural defensive position. The Gower is no exception and there are countless examples of finds that confirm the area has been inhabited since Prehistoric times. To prove this, point the Gower is the first place that prehistoric human remains where found. They were preserved in a red ochre material which helped to maintained it. This marks the first known ritual burial anywhere in the world and has been proved by radio carbon dating. It goes to show that our ancestors could appreciate this beautify place well before we could. To further strengthen the claim the six thousand year burial chamber sits on the island along with many stone circles and menhirs marking out land, special places or how knows what. There are several examples of Iron age Hill forts to protect the populace from wolves , bears and the elements which come in very fast and strong. It was very apt then that the recent Sky series Britannia used the area for some of its locations.
As the Romans came they son began to take over the sites or convince the locals that being art of the Empire was a much better idea than opposing it. To the Romans this was a great defensive position where they could observe the Severn Sea as the Bristol Channel was known back then for Pirates and the like looking to attack Caerwent and Glevum further up. The Normans agreed with them and decided to stick a castle on top of for good measure.
It was the same Normans or Anglo Normans by this stage as they had begun to fully integrate with the Anglo-Saxon Locals by this stage. The lands were soon lost has King John allowed the passage of the land to his Barons. In this way the peninsula began the slow process to be anglicised and lost to the native Welsh forever.