Why do Corporate Event Planners Need a Little Black Book?

As a corporate event planner, your little black book isn’t just about who you know, but how you plan. Creating your ultimate check-list of organising an event should follow the core principles of event planning. It will become your holy grail. A structure that you can reference and use for every future event you plan.

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What should be included in your little black book? How can you ensure that when planning a business event you get everything right? It’s all about the LOLS. Lists, Opportunities, Location, Senses.

1. Lists

Just as Santa Claus makes a list and checks it twice, as a corporate event planner, you should get used to making lists and following them to the letter! Potential venues, suppliers, guests, speakers, entertainment… the list of lists you’ll need goes on and on. Keep a master file of people and places you’ve worked with before and always be on the lookout for new opportunities.

2. Opportunities

And speaking of opportunities, you’ll want to give your attendees as many opportunities as possible to engage with your client and the event. Drum up awareness in relevant press outlets, create a dedicated social media event or even a new page, let people share the registration details online, or for private events a conversation starting invitation works well.

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At the event itself, create opportunities for the guests to be your own advocates. Use a unique hashtag, provide a photo booth, and encourage engagement throughout the event.

3. Location

Successful corporate event planners such as http://davisevents.ie will have a list of locations that can be used for business events. Hotels, restaurants, conference centres and unique locations such as a cinema or stately home can all provide creative backdrops for your event.

Your event planner will also think about the logistics, like easy transport links, local suppliers and licensing.

4. Senses

A successful business event will leave a lasting impression on attendees, and should encourage action. The Huffington Post discusses the importance of promotional gifts in business relations.

Manipulate the senses to make people really remember the event. From the promotional gifts you give, to food you serve, to the background music that’s played, to the visual decorations – all of these elements should infiltrate your guests’ senses and create positive memories of the event and the business.