How to Hire the Right Person for your Small Business

When you run a business you will want to get it to grow, and part of this process means hiring more people to help you. The smaller your business is, the more impact hiring someone will have, and you want to make sure that you hire the right person for the job.

The hiring process is something that you need to put plenty of thought and forward planning into to ensure that you get someone that is the right fit and is an asset to your business.

The first step in this process is to give some thought to what you are looking for. Think about the personality and the skills of the ideal candidate, think about if there will be any changes to the role in the future and also consider how much training you can give someone to help them to grow in the role.

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Once you have a good idea of what you are looking for and all the practicalities such as pay and working hours, then you can put out a job advert. Where you advertise the role will also have an effect on the people that apply, so make sure that you are looking in the right places. For example, go to a recruitment agency that specialises in certain roles or in a particular industry like this staff and recruitment agency, and also utilise social media. LinkedIn is a good example of the power of social media when you are looking for the right match for your company.

Once you have had applicants you can then decide who you want to interview. The interview process is important for both the interviewer and the interviewee. You will want to see how prepared the candidates are and how much research they have done on the business.

This is also a good opportunity for you to get to know them and their personality and see if they would fit in well in your working culture, and fit your brand identity.

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Pay attention to the questions that the candidates ask you too – these can not only show you how much research they have put into the questions, but also give you an idea of their goals and ambitions for the future.