As a landlord or property manager you should make the safety of tenants a priority.
Fire prevention and preparation is one of the most important aspects of tenant security.
Assessments of fire risk are crucial in identifying hazards and ensuring safety measures to protect residents and property.
Do I need to do a fire risk analysis for my apartment?
You are legally required, as a property manager or landlord, to conduct a fire risk analysis on the communal spaces of your building. It is done to protect the residents and reduce the risk of a fire.
Who is legally allowed to conduct a fire risk evaluation for apartments?
Fire risk assessments must be performed by a fire risk assessor who is qualified. They will inspect the property to assess potential fire risks. For a Fire Risk Assessment, contact
A fire risk assessor will examine the property in detail, paying particular attention to several key areas:
- Fire hazards: Identification of potential ignition sources, such as electrical wiring, flammable material, or defective equipment.
- Fire safety plans: Review existing fire safety plans and ensure that they are current and effective.
- Fire safety systems: Test the smoke detectors and fire alarms.
- Fire extinguishers: Ensure that they are in good condition, easily accessible and placed appropriately.
- Evacuation routes: Check that the escape routes are clearly marked and unobstructed. They should also be easily accessible by all residents.
- Combustible Materials: Identification and recommendation of safe storage practices for these materials.
- Emergency lighting: Ensure that the emergency lighting is sufficient and functional to guide residents in an evacuation.