Currently we are witnessing a new era as far as food is concerned. Appear constantly studies show that certain foods are very beneficial for the proper functioning of the body. One of these foods has appeared on stage more strongly in recent times is the phytoplankton . Its origin is marine and has been called the “mother ‘s milk of mother earth” by the amount of properties that have and that gives us nutrients. Therefore we do a review of its principles and its uses and benefits when cooking.
Phytoplankton is a variant of marine plankton adapted to human nutrition, and specifically referred to as Alpha3 CMPES. This is a selection of microorganisms constituent marine plankton and would be suitable for human consumption. Specifically this type of food is made up of some 200 species of microscopic creatures found in marine plankton that serves as food for fish.
Marine plankton Huertos
One of the features that we should highlight of this food is that the cells that make phytoplankton are coated silica, cellulose and not as most vegetables. This fact is what makes the nutrients are being absorbed much better and faster by the body. Thereby avoiding increased power consumption. The collection of nutrients this food is greater than any other.
We must add to this that the phytoplankton contains almost all the nutrients we need for the proper functioning of the body . Its mineral content is high and large, the same thing happens with vitamins, carbohydrates or protein. First of all, and so is this food is remarkable because it comes with simple cell microorganisms composition allowing the body easily recognize and assimilate nutrients with little effort. The process of assimilation will be faster and therefore we will benefit a lot better nutrients that will give us. Although it should be noted that this refers to very high amounts of intake. At recommended doses is an aid and a complement to the traditional diet.
Phytoplankton has a lot of benefits for the body. We have previously commented that give us almost all the nutrients the body needs. Especially should be noted the electrolytic contribution we will offer. This will make the body ‘s pH levels are in perfect condition. Achieving this will cause the cells are maintained in perfect condition and working properly.