In the decoration of our home and at this time when the cold pressed, the carpet becomes a perfect and very important complement. Before deciding on a model, you have to know what will be its use and what kind of will stay put: is not the same place it in a room where you spend the most time in a less used.
You should also be clear if it is going to be the main item, the main point of the decoration or just going to be one more element. Depending on a little of this, you can choose the carpet idea that suits your tastes and needs.

The carpet creates comfortable, welcoming environments and can help create an atmosphere of elegance and distinction as almost any other supplement. It should blend seamlessly with the rest of the textiles of the room, cushions, curtains, bedspreads to create an atmosphere full of harmony.

If you need the room look wider, the carpets horizontal stripes are the best option as we provide a sense of widening of spaces. If on the contrary, your objective is to elongate, Choose them with vertical stripes.

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Place them to separate environments, especially when the room is large and allows you. You can cast a more functional to the dining area, thanks to it can join the decorative elements that comprise it, tables and chairs and opt for a more elegant, for the living room. In this room, perhaps the most important of the house, you have to decide whether you want the carpet to be the center of attention (choose a spectacular one) or simply be a decorative element that combines with the rest of the decoration. In this case, you should keep in mind that your role will be limited to creating a harmonious and warm environment.

The carpets are perfect for rooms such as the living room, hall and children ‘s rooms. Depending on the use, pick them from one material or another. The most suffering and therefore the most recommended for children for their durability, are synthetic, which already have designed very similar to the crafts and are much more resistant to use, in addition to being more economical. Oriental rugs made of silk or wool of short hair are the best for a continuous use, the long hair more elegant, but need much more maintenance and cleaning.