What desserts to serve for Christmas

Christmas is the one time of year where we indulge in wonderful food and delicious desserts. Nothing looks nicer on Connubia Calligaris Tables than an array of mouthwatering delights. If you are wondering what to have as a dessert after your festive dinner here are some traditional options for you to take a look through.

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  • Christmas pudding – this is probably one of the most traditional desserts for the festive season and you can find a whole selection available to you. Whether you want the most traditional boozy pudding or perhaps a more modern chocolate flavoured one you are sure to find one to suit your tastes. Make sure you have some nice cream, custard or even ice-cream to go with it.

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  • Trifle – another staple for the family feast is the trifle. Again there are so many options available to you and even if you like to make your own trifle at home you can add a variety of fruits and flavoured jelly s well as choose a custard that will match. If you want to go for something indulgent why not make yourself a nice chocolate trifle.
  • Gateau – if you want to go for something a little different why not take a look at the various gateaus that are available. A fruit inspired strawberry gateau or even the tried and tested black forest gateau with delightful cherries.