Eskup, The Twitter of The Country

Eskup, The Twitter of The Country

 Eskup is a meeting point for dialogue, share experiences and learn . There you can ask about what interests you or help others in their questions or problems. Eskup wants to be a media open to all, especially agile and alive.

Eskup, The Twitter of The Country
Image Source: Google Image

To add Eskup and participate in a conversation require registration , but if you just want to browse the page is not necessary. Once you can complete your profile and start writing. In addition to follow people you care about , you can subscribe to topics, which will be saved as they appear and write to them (prior authorization requested administrator).

In the header a direct link to your profile, user counter (who you follow and who follow you you), messages and themes (which you follow and those in which you can write) appears. Get custom search engine users and see which people you care about (if connected at that time an orange stripe appears under your photo).

Messages can have a maximum of 280 characters and text can also upload videos or attach images. Eskup lets you publish not only in your panel, but in any open issue that you’ve signed up to write. The images you upload from your computer. Its maximum size is 432 pixels wide x 800 pixels high, if you upload a larger reescalarán automatically. If they are smaller, they appear as such. Supports links to videos from Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Current, Video Google and Vids.

Eskup, The Twitter of The Country
Image Source: Google Image

You can synchronize Eskup with Twitter and Facebook from the “Options” link and there is even a mobile version, which can be accessed from where you can read and send messages (depending on your browser can send images or not) .

Eskup, The Twitter of The Country
Image Source: Google Image

Eskup is designed to exchange information quickly and intuitively among readers, journalists and employees of the newspaper El País . It is a way to take advantage of the Internet to, together, improve information. It is not designed to compete with the big social networks like Facebook or Twitter .

Image subject to license CC Micora