While walking around the city, with the sea to the left, I think. I think about how, year after year, this city is transformed. In summer it is full, empty in winter, in summer is filled, empty in winter. I think of how the waves are going well, up and down, accelerate and decelerate, come ashore and retract back into the sea.

I think of the trees, how they change color, how lose leaves and flowers gain according to the season. And I say that everything in this life are cycles. Sometimes we’re up, sometimes down. Sometimes we express out, sometimes we shrink back inward ours. We walked and we stop in front of the sea lions.

They are always there, motionless, petrified witnesses all, unrelated to any change. We sat on the stairs, near one of them, and we are quickly approaching a guy and points us with his camera and a flash as three meters high: “Guys, a picture,” No, thanks, “Let us pulled a immediately, a panoramic not want? “no no, thank you very much. And I get to take pictures with my camera. “Are you sure do not want to pull them both? I sack with your camera, a panoramic “. The poor man looks like a banshee, was trapped there as if the summer season still alive. He and the popcorn. In the summer should be the kings of the square. In the fall there are not many customers going around.

We sat for a while on the stairs and had lunch with free sea view. I like a piece of pumpkin pie and cheese pie and green onions, using a tray cardboard plate. and eat on the street for me is synonymous with travel. I look at the sea, which is right there, and I think that cute Mar del Plata is knowing that, wherever you are in the city, the sea is always close. No matter if you’re not on the coast, at least you know that there, passing those buildings, is the sea. And that feeling makes you feel better, you feel that no matter who has many buildings, because there sea. While you are taking you a coffee, there is one there near surfing. While you are traveling by bus, there is someone pulling his fishing rod sea and cross your fingers.

And that’s comforting. We walked along the promenade and we pulled into a playground for large, rather, public appliances for gymnastics. Damian gets to do an exercise of arms and a man who was there just parked his bike, approaches and speaks to us. “You’re skinny but you have strong arms eh,” he says with a smile. “Where are you guys from? Ahh Buenos Aires, how cute. Bah, I do not know if so cute. I went a few weeks ago with my wife, we were to stay five days, we had to make a step in the Spanish consulate, but when we came down in Constitution and wanted to take a taxi the guy we wanted to collect fifty pesos. I later learned that the trip cost much less. You know how much they charged us two coffees with croissants and orange juice? No … eighty pesos. We went to Florida Street, we enter a MacDonald and also eat a salad cost us very expensive. At the end I changed the tickets and we returned the same day to here.

Do they want them guys you take a photo? Good but well please, with open arms, showing that they are happy to be here. A tip guys: privileging savings, because walking is cute … but the economy can destroy the couple. I have seventy years old and still with my wife, I laburo all, but hey, I do not want to bore you … “. He gets on his bike and walks along the promenade, as smiling as appeared. We kept walking, we get carried away by the flow of the Rambla, by the movement of the sea. Right there, a few steps, are playing shuffleboard. We ask permission and had to watch the game. They are 4 to 8. We came to Mar del Plata on Saturday for the wedding of a friend, now it’s Monday and we are here, watching a game of shuffleboard in a retirement club. It was not in our plans, but any excuse to escape some of the madness of Buenos Aires. An increasingly crazy, in my madness. An increasing stress. We sat on a rock and watched the sea for a long time. We watched how the waves break, as a gap between the stones are filled with water and emptied, filled and emptied. He calls me by phone a girl I know but I do not talk rarely and when I say I’m in Mar del Plata, tells me that she is Mar del Plata. View you. Many roads lead my life to Mar del Plata. My dad lived in Mar del Plata because his father (a grandfather I never met) had a hotel here. I came several times to Mar del Plata: with my family, with a boyfriend, with friends, of “graduation trip” faculty. He not coming six years ago. Six years since I finished studying. This time I met again with Nanu, a friend I met at fifteen and came to live at Mardel seven years ago. we met six ago, but it was as if we had seen yesterday. Something happens to me more and more often. We walked along the promenade. Clouds at times, is cooler, to jacket. No wind, but wind, salt, wind splashing, a nice wind. The sea, at times, seems to have celestial spots, but it is the sun that generates that effect. The sea has colored sea coast of Argentina. Color to Mar del Plata. And while I still think we walk. Would there be meditation-walk? For me there is nothing to make me think more than walking, and if next to the best sea. Way and I think it makes a little time, probably since I started writing the book, I’m having to write the blog. Not for lack of ideas (or maybe yes), but because I’m writing so much (for my book, for magazines, for me, for a writing workshop) I feel that when I write here comes, I’m out of words available. But I think that everything in this life are cycles and that perhaps I am now away from the blog because I’m close to the book and all at once can not. When you finish the book and then will return travel long contact with my blog. It is not that forbid it, poor, I’m leaving a little aside at this time. It is about having a little brother and feels lonely. The mother was cleared. And he is living his fall, autumn blog, you are falling slowly leaves, you know that winter comes and is preparing scarf and gloves. It was three years and that, in blog-years, is as turned twelve. It is about to enter the age of the turkey and feels weird. The book, meanwhile, is putting on sunglasses, is preparing sandals, it is flourishing. But I choose not to force things, I decide to return to the blog when I arise, like today, because everything in life cycles and are a natural way for everything. I demonstrated the sea, to my left, with his come and go and I demonstrated Mar del Plata, which is now empty, but again just be summer receive hundreds of thousands of visitors and streets again filled with noise , movements, voices and stories of people from all over the country and perhaps the world. But meanwhile, she enjoys her loneliness.