5 more good ways to reduce your website’s bounce rate

Bounce rate, or exit rate as it is sometimes called, is calculated using the number of unique visitors to a website who leave immediately, or bounce, without browsing other pages on the site. It is debatable what is considered a bad bounce rate, but of course we all want a low score. So here are some more suggestions as to how to reduce your bounce rate successfully.

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One concise call to action

Think about the one specific action you want your users to take once they have digested the content on your page. You can persuade your visitors to take this action by including one clear call to action. Including multiple CTAs will confuse, so take your reader by the hand and lead them firmly to the endpoint.

Logical and helpful internal linking structure

Do use internal links, they can help to organise your information and the user will be appreciative, but be mindful to keep them relevant and minimal. Overuse can overwhelm.

Pay attention to detail on your product pages

Whilst again being mindful of not overwhelming the visitor with too much information, you must ensure that all of your products contain all relevant information. Failure to supply this is one of the main reasons for failure to complete a purchase. Keep the figures in perspective. Product pages invariable suffer a higher bounce, and there is variability within this depending on the product in question.

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Optimisation, optimisation, optimisation for mobiles

A staggering number of websites are not optimised for mobiles. Launching a mobile site for mobiles can be a headache, and the size of the pain is proportionate to the size of the site. It is a painful process and likely one that you will be unable to achieve alone. Reading web design experts http://www.starwebinnovations.co.uk/ can assist. According to Internet Retailing by 2020, two-thirds of e-commerce purchases will be made on a smartphone. And remember that your efforts to make attractive design with be fruitless if the load time is too great.

Make searching plain sailing

Site search allows visitors to find what they want, not what you assume they want. The more easily a visitor can search and locate what they are looking for, the lower your bounce rate will be leading to higher conversion rates.