The renal colic occurs when a kidney stone moves from the kidney to the ureter , constituting one of the ma painful ailments.
Symptoms are strong spasms ; rib pain between the ribs and hip and pain in the inner thigh; small amount of urine , vomiting; dizziness ; tremors and fever .
It is important to use herbal medicine with antispasmodic and sedative plants , which reduce pain caused by renal colic; use Diuretic plants to increase urination and possible expulsion of the stones and then as a preventive measure, used plants to prevent the formation of kidney stones .
Among the plants that can be used internally include:
1) Dandelion
It is one of the plants that most stimulates the production of urine and helps eliminate toxins from the blood and promote the expulsion of kidney stones. Take 3 cups a day.
2) Bear-berry or bear-berry
Quite effective in the treatment of kidney stones, bactericidal values that prevent infections. Cold maceration for 4 hours four teaspoons of shredded dried leaves per liter of water. Drink 3 glasses per day or taking 20 drops of fluid extract, twice daily.
4) Corn
Decoration of a couple of tablespoons of corn beards per cup of water for 20 minutes.
5) Mint
It has soothing, very useful properties to reduce acute pain caused by a ureter colic.
6) Ortega
Indicated to increase the production of urine so that it can help prevent the formation of kidney stones or promote the expulsion of the latter when they are small.
7) Parsley
It is one of the best diuretics and very useful to prevent stone formation, allowing the expulsion of the sand through the urine, before forming the calculation. Squeeze the tender plant and take a couple of tablespoons a day.
For external use can use the juice white radish , not more than 20 minutes; the clover, used in ointment to relieve pain. A decoration simmering tender flowers in water is carried out until the liquid evaporates to form a thick paste that is combined with beeswax and stored in a tightly closed glass jar; as well as the tops of flowering rosemary infusion, which can be added to bath water to relax. Drinking two to five liters of water daily, to dissolve the excess toxins and try to acidify the urine , to prevent proliferation of bacteria causing the calculations , so you should include in your diet, grapes and potatoes . Finally the use of turmeric for seasoning meals , helps reduce the size of the stones. It seems that the asparagus , help dissolve stones.